Lyft To The Summit

Lyft To The Summit

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Rock & Roll Lyft My Soul

Yesterday I knocked a half marathon off the bucket list. Not only did I finish the Seattle Rock and Roll Half Marathon, I ran the whole way. I did all 13.1 miles in 2hrs 53min, a whopping 52min faster than I had predicted at the time of registration on Thursday. I had wanted to run the Half but hadn't signed up due to financial obligations. Then on Monday my boss at my daytime job (Or Muggle job as some of my Lyft driver friends would call it) surprised me with a check for unpaid bonuses now that I have given my notice. (I'll be Lyfting the Dream full-time for now until the right opportunity presents itself.) I ran the longest distance of my life on the longest day of the year, a perfect way to spend a Summer Solstice. After registering, I finally bought a good pair of running shoes at Super Jock and Jill in Greenlake to replace my 4+ year old sneakers. My knees are thanking me already.
At the starting line full of antici......pation!
Cuddlestache power!!
Several runners asked about getting a Lyft piggyback ride so of course I had to snag a pic when I saw this sign.

I pushed extra hard to finish strong the last .1 mile and the feeling of finishing was absolutely surreal.
Most of my life I never dreamed or desired to run a half marathon. It seemed so unobtainable. At the end of last summer I started experimenting with running. I had always avidly avoided the treadmill. Elliptical and the stationary recumbent bike is where it was at. I began integrating running into my cardio routine after entering meditation study where I learned about running as a tool for self-transcendence. It was at that time I put a half marathon in the "5 year plan." This "plan" was my way to create some goals amidst living in my sister's basement in the early months of my divorce. Rainier wasn't even on the list, as it was added to the bucket list exactly 6 days before Camp Korey staff rode in my Lyft.  The opportunity to summit Rainier for a cause I care about literally got in my car with them so I knew the time was now. Once I moved into my own apartment in Westlake I began running on the street. It was in April, once I had officially signed up to Fundraise for Camp Korey, (CLICK TO DONATE) that I began running with a weighted camelback, usually 12-14 lbs. Around that time I marveled at my success at running the 2.8 miles around Greenlake without a walking break.

I strongly considered wearing my weighted pack at the Half as a conditioning measure for my main event, summitting Mt. Rainier. I'm glad I didn't though. I've been trying to challenge myself to my thresholds while maintaining a balance; to not confuse punishing myself with challenging myself. Running with weight would've been harder on my knees and may have increased the likelihood of not finishing the race. My boyfriend pointed out that the weighted running in my training would help me to run both further and faster without a pack. He also says I have grit. :)  And now that I have finished a half marathon without any breaks or walking, I can say he was right on both. My overall average pace 13:13 per mile, and during the 1st 10k I averaged 12:10!  I know I couldn't have sustained that far with a weighted pack on. I'm glad I chose to get a baseline result and feel completely amazing rather than a weighted result and feel potentially miserable. Instead I came in 9,539th place out of 12,363 people.

In the morning before the race I ate hard boiled eggs, an avocado, almonds, a banana, and a mini bagel. I'm a spiritual person so I did a little ritual before I left the house too. I smudged myself with sage, then meditated, prayed, and channeled my spirit animals. Then I drank from the lake water I retrieved on my vision quest at Crater Lake last summer. Lastly, in my pocket I put a special piece of amethyst. On my quest that stone lost a chip on the rocks as I pulled myself up reborn out of the Crater's waters. It remains a touchstone. A few totems showed up as they've been doing that a lot lately, but the most notable today was the Tiger Butterfly that flew with me for almost 10 yards along Lake Washington Blvd, then over my head and away. 

After the race was over I walked around for a long time to help cool down my legs. Walking around in the throes of proud and joyous exhaustion with the finishers medal around my neck was surreal; like an out of body experience. I continued to walk around the crowded Seattle Center for an hour or more until I felt normal again. Then walked home where I have been recovering since. First I sat in an ice bath for a while. Later I soaked in the hot tub on the roof top deck during the Solstice sunset listening to the drumming in Fremont. Usually I Lyft on Saturday nights but I was too exhausted to drive and my shin splints too sore to have quick reflexes. Rather than stand cooking for myself, I ordered a gluten free pizza and plus a giant bag of ice to be delivered so I could ice my legs some more. Perfect Genius.

Fundraising is still happening with $4700 left to go before August 1st!!  Please help by consider a tax deductible donation to Camp Korey to give the empowering experience of summer camp to kids with serious life-altering medical conditions. Or please share my blog!
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